I don't even know how to begin what is laying on my heart. For the past couple days, I have felt all emotion leave me. I don't know the reason. Any happiness, anger, love, contentment....all of the emotions a person could possibly feel just went away. But one remained. Curiosity.
I started to question everything. The age old question of Why are we here? What is the point? How is it we can live each day without questioning the purpose of it. What is it that God is waiting for in order to send His Son for us?
Many have compared our modern society to the likings of Sodom and Gomorrah. Chaotic and no concern for true happiness and health. Each one of us trying to forget the prison sentence we have to endure in the mean time until that day comes for Jesus to set us free. We drink, do drugs, have sex, eat our hearts out, we cut ourselves, we control others....the tools we use to forget are endless. God could end it any time but if I am to go by history; God seems to be waiting for something. Or maybe He is looking for proof.
I find it difficult to wrap my head around the fact that God knows what is going to happen even though we have a choice in the outcome of how the world is to be. So I guess the questions I have for God is, "What is it that You are looking for? What is it that You want from us? What is it that You are needing in order for you to send Jesus to collect us?"
My theory, if I was to think of the more popular Bible stories, is He is looking for trust in time of adversity (Job), faith that we will be delivered into a Promise Land (Exodus), and enough love that we can ban together to make such things so (The Bible itself). Satan is looking to disprove any and all compassion God has for the very beings He created. So now I come to believe that God is needing our help to show Satan that he is wrong.
The Bible fits together like a puzzle peice. The history of us, our people, are in the Bible and yet each story in that book is a prediction of our future. All linking together to give a clear and simple message.
It's a subject that can be written about for days and pondered about for a lifetime. And maybe that is how God wants it so that we pay attention to the severity of the situation at hand. If our minds are open, we can prepare for what is to come and we can prove to Satan that he can give it his all to tear us away from God but when we have our faith, trust, and love, he will eventually lose the battle. Oh yeah...he will take some limbs, beat us up, and shoot at us. It's the nature of war. Victory still can be accomplished even when we are not whole.
“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword." Matthew 10:34
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