"What a wonderful God we have-He is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the source of every mercy, and the one who so wonderfully comforts and strengthens us in our hardships and trials. And why does He do this? So that when others are troubled, needing our sympathy and encouragement, we can pass on to them this same help and comfort God has given us." 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
I will never forget the first time I read this verse. It was last year when I began my post-abortion counseling. It was on the cover of my little workbook Forgiven and Set Free. I must've read that verse a thousand times hoping that one day I could live it out. This week my dream came true.
I went for my bi-weekly visit at Carenet Tuesday and had the opportunity to sit in on a session with a woman who was struggling with guilt over her abortion. I was able to share a little bit about my experiences and also shared about God's healing and forgiveness. I was in awe over how just a year ago, it was me sitting in that spot feeling so much remorse, so much guilt and shame, feeling as if there was no way to heal from that pain and yet...I did find it.
Again tonight, I was able to share with another woman about finding freedom from guilt. She was so broken and defeated. I offered to help her through the process and I hope she does take me up on that offer. Again it was a reminder of that time when I felt there was no hope and no chance to be relieved of the pain you carry in your heart for so many years after performing such an act.
One year ago, I walked into Carenet and sat in a little room with a woman who was living this verse out. She shared with me her story and worked with me as I found healing, forgiveness, God's love, and a purpose for my future. For the first time back then, I felt a reason for my life. Everything that has happened to me (not just the abortions) was not in vain. For the first time, I didn't view myself so much as a screw up but someone who was beginning a process of change so that one day I can live out this verse. For the first time I had meaning. I now just needed to find the self-confidence to carry out that meaning and over that past year it has been work to do so. But in sharing with these women, I found it so easy because I was there. I was there where they are and all I had do was tell my story and pray they would let it sink in to their brains. Pray that they would take advantage of the opportunity of someone trying to reach out and it being the first step in finding their healing just as I did with the one that shared with me.
Time and time again we hear that we all have a story to tell. How there are certain people in this world only you can reach. Whatever it is that you are going through, first do step one in this verse; find comfort and strength in God through your hardships and trials. Once you do that, then go to step two; give the same comfort and encouragement to those who are walking down the same path of which you once walked down.
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