As I was driving to Celebrate Recovery this evening, I almost took out a family of ducks. Anyone who knows me knows what an animal lover I am and would've been devestated if I had. Luckily, I swerved out of the way and was able to not snuff them out in ducky manslaughter.
I continued driving but in a slow manner keeping my eye on them in the rearview mirror to make sure they crossed the road safely and then, with my heart still beating and my mind still trying to grasp what had just happened, I prayed. Yes....I prayed for the little family of ducks to make it safely all they way to where they were going.
A lesson came to mind much later on in the evening while I was doing some grocery shopping. I kept thinking about these ducks and how the mama duck protected her young. There they were, minding their own business, trying to get across the way with this challenge of not getting run over. The mama duck was in front and her ducklings were close together behind her. She saw me coming and when she jumped back and ceased, so did the ducklings. When she saw it was safe to cross, she looked at her ducklings, gave the ok, and they followed their mama trusting they were safely going to cross that street. And not only did they follow her, they followed CLOSELY behind her.
God takes the lead in everything we do and He will get us safely to where we need to go as long as we follow closely behind Him. But at times we will be faced with and placed in some pretty potential harmful situations. Again...all we have to do is follow God's lead very closely and He will get us through safely. I could've easily hit any of those ducklings if they hadn't kept an eye on their mama and just kept going. If we don't keep an eye on God's lead, we run the risk of getting hit and recovery may be very difficult if not impossible.
"The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8
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Thank you for sharing this posting with us! Nice!
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