Sunday, September 16, 2012

Summertime in Florida means several things.  Humidity, poofy hair because of humidity, the best fruit, many visits to the beach, uninvited buggy visitors, and grass growing like no tomorrow...  especially the weeds.

I looked out into my little yard this evening and shook my head.  "Didn't I just pull all those weeds?"  It couldn't of been more than a few weeks and it already looks like a jungle out there!  The dogs and I peered through the patio window in disbelief over the overgrown mess.  A few hours later, we went outside for their nightly bathroom ritual and I looked around at all the work I have to do and then I started thinking....

Oh how sin can be so much like the weeds.  At first it doesn't seem so bad but if you don't keep up with it and remove it, then before you know it you have a jungle full of sin and many hours ahead of you getting yourself cleaned back up.  If we just spend a little time everyday with our "Gardner,"  He will keep us looking beautiful and clean.

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."  1 John 1:9

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