Sunday, August 19, 2012

You Bark Too Much

So I am sitting in Venue and as I was listening to the music, what pops in my head?  My dog Miko. dog.  I swear there is a point to this.

I started thinking about his barking.  His incessant barking.  Loud, ear-piercing, and just never ending.  I thought about how I am always telling him to be quiet when he barks and this is what played out in my head:

"Miko!  Stop barking!"
"Be quiet!"
"Quiet buddy!"
"There is nothing there!"
"Stop barking!"
"Stop barking Theresa!"
"There is nothing there Theresa!"
"That's enough!"
"Quit it! And stop barking!"

Yeah....that's how it played out. So often I am telling my dog to be quiet because nothing is there and tonight as I sat in Venue Service....God was telling me the same thing.  He was telling me to listen to Him and I can't do that if I keep barking.  There are time where you just have to take a vow of silence, not voice your opinions and allow God to step in and take over. 

"If you have been foolish in exalting yourself, Or if you have devised evil, put your hand on your mouth."  Proverbs  30:32

Basically, shut it and listen up. 

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