Thursday, August 9, 2012

Meek Does Not Equal Doormat.

"Blessed are the meek, For they shall inerit the earth."  Matthew 5:5

As I read this verse in my devotional last night, I started to ponder the words "meek" and "inherit".  I know what they mean but I decided to look them up anyways to get a deeper understanding of the verse.

Meek:  "Enduring injury with patience and without resentment."

Isn't that the way we try to live as Christians?  We are often insulted, mocked, bullied, and ostracized and we endure this with forgiving and patient least we are suppose to. 

"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."  Luke 23:34

Inherit:  "to come into possession of or receive especially as a right or divine portion"

God gives us our share of Heaven when we remain faithful to Him and follow Him.  As I kept thinking about this verse, I couldn't help but laugh a little.  I kept thinking of those movies where there is an underdog that everyone would push around but at the end of the movie, the underdog would come out on top and those who bullied him would be left in the dust with nothing but humiliation and bruised egos.

Being meek, it's hard define the difference between healthy boundaries and being a doormat.  God's not telling us to allow others to push us around.  I believe what He is saying is not to stoop to the other's level of insult and injury.  They are lost souls in need of examples of love through us.  But we also must protect ourselves and remove ourselves from any harmful situation that could tear us away from God, all while having the mindset of always praying for our enemies.  We do not need to judge or "teach them a lesson."  That's God's job.  All we need to do is follow in God's teachings of how to live our lives....His way. 

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